Y’all have been so great! We’ve heard from so many of you with stories of your SAFE Haven alums. It’s brought a lot of memories back for our staff and longtime volunteers and we’re asking for MORE!
In case you haven’t shared your story yet, here’s how: on our special 25th Anniversary page, you’ll find a place to share. You can also tell your tale on social media by tagging us with #SH25 or #4EverSAFE.
Not sure what to write? Here are a couple of ideas:
- Did you keep your cat’s name the same or change it? Tell us why you changed or kept the name.
- How do you celebrate your cat’s/cats’ adopt-a-versary? Kitty treats? A special toy? Let us know how you mark the day you brought your cat(s) into your life!
- When did you know that your kitty was officially part of the family?
Click the button below to send in your cat tale!