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ALERT: Winter Storm Closure & Ways To Help

ALERT: Winter Storm Closure & Ways To Help

For the safety of our community, the SAFE Haven Shelter and Clinic will be closed on Sunday, December 9th.

Please stay safe, warm and be smart during the coming storm!

While we’re closed to the public, we are still working to save North Carolina’s cats. If you are looking to expand your family our website is always open so you can still Meet the Cats on-line.

We need your help for whatever comes our way. Please consider making a donation so we can continue to give the cats a safe place in the storm. Donate today!

Click here to DONATE

The Cat Chronicle – October 2018

The Cat Chronicle – October 2018

The Cats are Calling!

Run to Save the Kitties!

Run to Save the Kitties!

Our annual 5K race/walk is just a few weeks away! Join as a competitive runner or just walk for fun on Saturday, October 20. We can’t wait to see your cat costumes at this amazing fundraiser. Register NOW!

Fill the Pet Food Pantry

Fill the Pet Food Pantry

Every month we distribute at least 1,500 pounds of food to 12 families in need. That means our Pet Food Pantry is always in need.

  • Donate: We take all types and kinds of pet foods. Even open bags! Peruse our Wish List for most needed items.
  • Delivery & Dropoff: 7 days a week, 9 am – 5 pm at 8431-137 Garvey Drive in Raleigh

Flood of Support After Hurricane Florence

Flood of Support After Hurricane Florence

You stepped up to help the 34 cats we saved from flooded areas last month. You donated $10,000 to help pay for their medical care and $2,000 worth of food and supplies to care for them in the shelter. Thank you!

Videos for Cat Lovers

Videos for Cat Lovers

Our volunteer videographer Scott Ginsburg has been busy producing inspiring and useful videos. Check out our YouTube channel for videos on:


Click here to DONATE

Canobie Lucks Out To Find Healing

Canobie Lucks Out To Find Healing

Sometimes it feels like cats find their way to SAFE Haven by aligning the Kharma of the universe to bring them the best life possible. This wise, spunky young kitty was no different.

Canobie Before

Canobie before

One of SAFE Care’s regular feral TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) caretakers contacted us with an urgent request. She found one of her friendly teenage colony cats with a severe injury. His head was swollen, and he had a crooked jaw!

Once he was brought to the clinic, our team discovered he had a broken jaw and had likely been hit by a car. This brave kitty was put on pain medication and antibiotics. As he was a feral cat, his caretakers couldn’t pay for his care. We knew we had to step in and help.

After more examination, we realized his jaw was not only broken but also misaligned. He could not even fully close his mouth! Even with the pain of his intake exam, he purred the entire time we examined him. He was shy and nervous, but he seemed to know we were going to help him. We named him Canobie.

Canobie All Healed

Canobie now, all healed

We sent Canobie to have his jaw realigned and repaired at one of our surgical veterinary partners. The surgery was a success, but he had to have his jaw wired until the fracture healed. It took six weeks for the injury to recover fully.

During his recovery, he slowly became more comfortable and confident. By the time we had his wire had removed, he was like a different cat! He plays and solicits attention from anyone walking by his cage.

Canobie had a long road to recovery, but he is wholly mended and ready for his forever home. Meet to this handsome gentleman!

If you’d like to start the adoption process for Canobie, please fill out this online form.

Protect Your Pet! Rabies & Microchip Clinic 9/22

Protect Your Pet! Rabies & Microchip Clinic 9/22

When pets are like family, we do everything to keep them healthy and safe. Come get your cat or dog vaccinated and microchipped at our Rabies & Microchip Clinic on Saturday from 12 – 2 pm at SAFE Haven for Cats! Vaccines are only $5 and microchips are $15. This is a cash or check only event.

Why Vaccinate Against Rabies?
Rabies is an easily-preventable disease caused by a virus often found in mammals (most commonly raccoons, foxes, and bats). It’s transmitted mainly through saliva via bites or scratches of an infected animal; without immediate treatment after exposure, rabies is nearly always fatal. Getting your pets vaccinated will keep them healthy and rabies-free. Additionally, rabies vaccines are required by law in the state of North Carolina; all owned dogs and cats must be vaccinated by four months of age, and the vaccination must be kept current.

Why Are Microchips So Important
Since you’re considering having your pet vaccinated, why not also think about getting them microchipped? Only about 22% of lost dogs and 2% of lost cats are reunited with their owners, but microchipping increases the chances of reuniting lost pets with their humans to almost 75%! During this simple and quick procedure, a small chip is inserted below the surface of your pet’s skin that allows them to be scanned by animal control and veterinarians if they get lost. Microchips are an important part of pet care because you never know when your pet might decide to go off on an adventure!

SAFE Haven for Cats is Here to Help!
We all need peace of mind when it comes to our pets.

The Rabies & Microchip Clinic is located at the SAFE Haven for Cats shelter (8431-137 Garvey Drive Raleigh, NC 27616). Owners (adults only) must bring cats in carriers and dogs on leashes, along with their pet’s most recent vaccination certificate (a tag is not sufficient). If an animal has been previously vaccinated, proof will be required in order to receive a 3-year vaccination. Animals without such proof will receive a 1-year vaccination.

Event Details:

Rabies & Microchip Clinic
Saturday, September 22 | 12:00-2:00 pm
SAFE Haven for Cats | 8431 Garvey Dr #137, Raleigh, NC 27616

Vaccines are just $5 and microchips are $15
Only Cash and Checks Accepted


Sweet Croissant’s Second Chance

Sweet Croissant’s Second Chance

Cats that come to SAFE Haven are cared and loved for regardless of their needs. Extra medical care means extra love from our staff.

During Croissant’s intake exam, we discovered she has feline leukemia. Feline leukemia is a contagious viral disease that is present in saliva and other body fluids. “friendly” contact between cats typically spread it. This often means shared food or water dishes, grooming and shared litter boxes. While there is no treatment for feline leukemia, but with proper preventative care, cats can live for years.

Some cats that test initially positive for feline leukemia will revert to being negative in a few weeks. Unfortunately, Croissant’s definitive feline leukemia test came back positive. This test meant that she is positive for feline leukemia.

At SAFE Haven, we believe feline leukemia positive cats are “pawsitively” adoptable! Because the virus is contagious, we will only adopt her into an only cat home. She could not be around any other cats even if they are vaccinated for leukemia.

Thankfully, her perfect person came along quickly and she was adopted in September. Our beautiful girl, Croissant who loves to snuggle found her forever home with a caring family.