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Tater Tot

Tater Tot

We adopted Tater Tot on June 28, 2015 during a free adoption event. We dropped by just to see some kitties on our way out of town. My husband and I split up to walk around and when we joined back up, it turned out that we were smitten with the same kitten! So we asked if they could make an exception & hold her until we got back into town at the end of the weekend and they graciously obliged since she had been there for a little bit. She was originally named Milena but we like silly names so she was soon dubbed her Tater Tot! We were told she was a laid back girl who would be a perfect companion to our other cat who is chronically ill and couldn’t handle much activity at the time. That’s how it started off: laid back, chill. But as Tater started getting more comfortable, the crazy energy came out and let me tell you, we wouldn’t change a thing! She actually made the other cat more energetic and gave him a slight competitive edge to eating which was great since he needed to gain weight. We’ve had to pull several of her teeth which lends to some crazy faces. She is the perfect weirdo! She loves to dig in the trash, lick reusable grocery bags, chase her tail, the list goes on.

Her 4 year adopt-a-versary is right around the corner and she will be showered with treats, given very small pieces of bread (girl loves carbs) and she’ll get a brand new stick toy to chase. She’s in LOVE with the other cat. He gets slightly annoyed by how much she’s all over him but he allows it and secretly enjoys it.

She’s the best addition to our household and we fall more and more in love with her everyday.



My husband Dan and I adopted our tuxedo Falcon (his SAFE Haven name) in 2010. Our original idea was that he would be a friend and companion for our other cat, Chadar. She never thought much of him, but we have loved him since day one. My husband sings in the choir of Unity Church of the Triangle. Falcon and Dan both look very good in their tuxedos.

The Story of Falcon

Thorin Taeja Catbro Fluffenshield (Felix)

Thorin Taeja Catbro Fluffenshield (Felix)

I decided 2014 was going to be the year I got a cat, so I went to the 2014 New Year’s cat sale with every intention of getting a short-haired black cat. It was busy, and I played with a few different cats in the play area. One cat during the play time was a large long-haired orange tabby named Felix, who was so chill that we could play and then I could hug him right after. I was taking a break and thinking things over, weighing the various cats I’d met that day. I thought I hadn’t decided which cat I wanted, until I saw someone else take Felix into the play area and I immediately had an internal reaction “HEY THAT’S MY CAT, BACK OFF.” I nicely waited till the other potential adopters walked off and immediately swooped in and claimed my large long-haired orange cat. I named him Thorin Fluffenshield when I got home. Over the years, my husband and I have called him a variety of other nicknames, such as Thorin Underfoot, Floofus Doofus, Sweet Potato Casserole, Dingus Magoo, etc. I remember how excited I was to get him home, and I’m so happy to see him greet me every morning and when I come home. He’s SUCH a sweetie and I could almost swear that my husband loves the cat as much as he loves me. Thorin brings such sweetness, silliness, and fluffiness to my life. I’m so glad I ended up with the opposite of what I went in for!

The Story of Thorin Taeja Catbro Fluffenshield (Felix)

Trouble and Sheba

Trouble and Sheba

A pregnant feral female cat arrived at our house and delivered (3) kittens. I reached out to local Facebook Marketplace people asking for info to have the mama cat and her kittens fixed, to try to reduce the over population. The FB community recommended SAFE Haven and I started the process. I was able to catch mama and 2 of her kittens and they were all fixed and returned to me. The third kitten was caught a few days later and when I brought her in, SAFE Haven wanted to put her up for adoption so she would have a fur ever indoor home. I have the 2 kitten; Trouble (orange) and Sheba (black) and mama (Callie-calico) cat still comes around to eat but at least I do not have to worry that they will continue to re-populate. I hope to be able to move the 2 kittens into the house this fall. Thank you so much SAFE Haven!
James (Bond) and Earl (Grey)

James (Bond) and Earl (Grey)

We had two female cats we loved dearly, both passed away due to old age and (after our second cat passed in July of 2012) our home felt empty without the company of furry critters. We wanted to adopt some rescue kittens from a no-kill shelter so we applied to SAFE Haven … and just before we took a quick pre-Christmas vacation, I packed our cat carrier into our car.

I knew we were going visit SAFE Haven on our way back, and I knew we would not be returning home alone! We clearly remember walking in and seeing our Boys for the first time, snuggled up against one another…it took all of 3 seconds for our minds to be made up, and after some time together in the play-room we knew these were our Boys.

It was almost heart-breaking having to put them back into their cage for the five minutes we were filling out their paperwork, as Earl immediately stood up on his hind legs and cried out across the room at us as if to say “Don’t go! We want to be with you!”

It is now just over 6 years later, and our Boys are a constant source of joy and companionship…neither of us have experienced such affectionate, playful and devoted cats as our Tuxedo James (Bond) and sweet Earl (Grey). Everyone who meets them says how handsome and friendly they are, not to mention how big; James is 16 lbs. and all muscle, Earl is slimmer and moves like greased lightning and still tells us just how he feels! Both love to wrestle, play fetch with us and snuggle on the sofa…

Without a doubt we feel like we were made for each other and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to SAFE Haven for bringing such sheer joy into our lives. We love our Boys so much and could not be happier.

The Story of James Bond and Earl Grey