Donate to SAFE Haven
Donate A Car or SuppliesDonate
Donate A Car or SuppliesConsidering a new car this year? Donate your old one and help support SAFE Haven! To donate a used car to SAFE Haven, click here to get started.
Your in-kind donation of supplies and food for our shelter are greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at the shelter between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., seven days per week. Please click here for our updated Wish List.
If your workplace has an annual United Way Campaign, you can specify that your gift goes to SAFE Haven by either writing in our book number 3746 or writing in SAFE Haven for Cats. Only your gift of $50 or more comes to SAFE Haven.
Do you work for any of these companies? Apple, Bank of America, Cisco, Home Depot, GSK, Red Hat, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AT&T, Nationwide, Duke Energy, Lenovo, Allstate, Citrix, Microsoft, Wake Med or Clorox? These are just some of the companies currently providing matching funds to SAFE Haven for Cats.
Many companies encourage employees to support local charities through a matching gifts program. These generous, employer-sponsored programs can double your donation to SAFE Haven. Just ask your human resources department if a matching gift is available and follow your company’s instructions to register your gift to SAFE Haven.
Our Federal Tax I.D. Number is 56-1916620

We are listed in the campaign literature as Independent Agency – Donation Number: 2566.
Your payroll deduction could make a big difference in the life of a stray, orphaned, injured or feral cat. Link here.
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