In early fall, we were contacted by a rescuer who had found a litter of kittens. They were very small and very vulnerable to starvation, accidents and predators. We knew we had to step in quickly before something terrible happened to them. Two days later, they arrived at SAFE Haven.
They appeared healthy on their initial exam but they were only 6 weeks old and skinny. Kittens that young are at much higher risk of diseases in a shelter setting and desperately need a foster home. Our amazing foster families provide love and care to young kittens. During their time in foster, kittens are socialized, receive regular preventative care and are given time to grow. Once they come back from foster care, they are ready to be spayed or neutered and find their forever homes. We sent the kittens (Legume, Quinoa, Soy and Tofu) to a wonderful SAFE Haven foster family and we’re happy to say that the quartet did great!
When they came back from foster to find their forever homes, one of the kittens, Tofu, developed a mild upper respiratory infection that quickly worsened into life-threatening pneumonia! She was rushed to Veterinary Specialty Hospital of the Carolinas for emergency respiratory care and immediately placed in an oxygen chamber. The doctors started aggressive therapy and by the next day, she was feeling much better; she purred and kneaded every time someone came by her cage. Once she came back to SAFE Haven, she had to stay on a very strong antibiotic for over a week. During that time, her two brothers (Legume and Soy) were neutered and immediately adopted. They are doing wonderful in their new home together.

Brothers Soy and Legume play around at SAFE Haven before heading to their forever home.
During her recovery, Tofu just wanted to purr and play with her sister Quinoa. Two weeks after her life-threatening crisis, they were ready to be spayed and now these two beautiful girls are settling into their forever homes!
We are very lucky to have wonderful foster families at SAFE Haven. Fostering can be a hard job, but our volunteer fosters help us save twice as many lives. Fostering also helps reduce euthanasia at county shelters by opening extra cage space. We are always looking for wonderful people to become foster families. If you think you are up to the rewarding challenge of fostering, fill out a foster application on our website. With your help, we can help save even more of the Triangle’s cats and kittens!